
We all have something unique and valuable to offer

We should all live the life we desire and express all the unique talents and strengths we have by nature.

This is the first step to create a work & life that aligns with your nature
that is fulfilling and profitable

Align Your Professional Life with your Strengths to Create Ease & Flow

Is this you?

But You’re Struggling with one or more of the following:

Finding Your Flow will Change Everything

Once you have Clarity around your strengths, your talents and your unique nature, you can design a business or professional future that aligns with them – so everything Flows Easily AND you get better results.

You’ll be able to:

So you can:

  • Attract more customers
  • Grow your Business
  • Earn an Income that gives your freedom instead of feeling like a slave to your business


We start with Clarity and 4 individual Coaching sessions


  • A 2 Hour Natal Chart Reading Session for Clarity and Goal Setting in which we focus on professional aspects such as:
    • Your vocation
    • Work environment
    • Communication style
    • Your way of managing your resources
    • Partnerships and collaborators
    • Assertiveness
    • Emotional safety

  • 4 x 1 Hour Coaching Sessions

  • After each session you’ll get a weekly plan to action, as well as any and all tools, templates, checklists required to work through the 3 Step Find Your Flow Framework:

    Clarity – Alignment – Action

What you'll get

  • Clarity about your unique nature using the Natal Chart and other tools which you can apply to all future business and life situations


  • A direction with objectives, priorities and focus in order to put your natural strengths and talents at the service of others and grow a professional life or business that feels motivating and fulfilling


  • A Plan of Action so you can take aligned action and get the results you want Faster than attempting to piece it all together on your own


  • Continuous support and guidance between sessions to help get to where you want to be, and a process and tools that you’ll be able to keep using into the future

What others are saying


The total investment is 650€
which includes the Natal Chart reading worth 165€

How to Sign Up:

Book in Your Free Consult Call so we can discuss your unique situation, your goals and how this program can help you to achieve those goals.

who am i?

Hi! I'm Mireia

I’m passionate about helping soul-led entrepreneurs to Find their Flow in their business.

Because Finding My Flow in life and business changed everything for me!

Before I really knew myself, understood my strengths and weaknesses, I was stuck. The same conflicts, repeating, feeling frustrated and not quite happy with life.

What I didn’t know then, was that understanding my strengths, my unique way of thinking and working, was essential to turning it all around.

Helping business owners align their business with their strengths and stand out in a crowded industry through innovative products and services is my passion.

I have over 10 years experience in corporate helping tech giants and institutions launch innovative products and services.

Plus, I combine this with a strong belief in helping business owners get clarity on their strengths, align their business so they can Find their Flow.

I love combining eye opening tools like Natal Charts, Coaching techniques, as well as Design Thinking and Agile Methodologies as a way to align internal dynamics with external actions.


Get clear on your strengths, values, mission and the direction you want for yourself in alignment with it while celebrate your uniqueness!


See changes as an opportunity to be grasped, find new pathways that align with your strengths, personal values and the direction you want for your life at all levels. Then move forward with confidence!


Translate all that into a concrete plan to achieve your personal and professional goals and Grow Your Business from a place of Motivated Energy, Ease & Flow.

Create the business you deserve - and live the life you desire