The Lab

A successful business
requires a process, a strategy and creative space

Together, we immerse ourselves into your business to explore, create and develop successful products and services that bring positive impact
for your company, your customers and for you

Create Industry Disrupting Products and Services with The Lab Program 

Is this you?

But You’re Struggling with one or more of the following:

The Lab Will Change Everything

Once you join the lab you’ll have a concrete strategy and plan moving forward, that aligns with your business and strengths

So you’ll be able to create innovative products and services that disrupt your industry, help you stand out from the crowd and grow your business.

You’ll be able to:

So you can:

  • Attract more customers
  • Grow your Business
  • Earn an Income that gives your freedom instead of feeling like a slave to your business

What You’ll Get:

What they say

How It Works: 

Monthly intensive 1on1 Mentorship Sessions. Including:

  • Map of your essence. We’ll clarify and put into words the elements that make you differentiated. You’ll be able to keep this forever.
  • Your values, your rules. We’ll identify the personal and professional values that define you, so we can create a fulfilling business.
  • The territory.  Identify what others are doing and where you currently stand, which enables us to start spotting your opportunities.
  • Future vision work based on the previous to inform a strategy for long-lasting growth.
  • Understanding current audiences vs. desired ones, and their goals, which allows us to see gaps and aspects that can be improved
    • Emotional
    • Functional
    • Social
  • The value you create. Deep work to identify the customer problems you solve, based on the previous and considering the actions you’ve already taken
  • The bridge. The route that connects your current reality with your future vision to achieve your goals.
  • The strategy. This is an asset that defines your North Star and the map to get there. It gives you clarity on a direction and it’s something you will be using in the coming months and even years.
  • Measuring success. A clear definition of what success means for you and your context to make sure you go in the right direction and keep achieving your goals.
    • Financially
    • Strategically
    • Personally
  • I’ll provide you with social and consumer trends that are relevant for your business and show you how to do it.
  • Together we’ll define the impact they can have for you and the action you should start considering now to stay ahead of the curve.
  • We’ll translate that into tangible solutions and prioritise based on risk and impact to focus on the ones that are more valuable.
  • We’ll reduce the risk of your decisions by gathering information from your actual audience.
  • Validating your ideas fearlessly in a real life environment will help inform the right decisions.
  • With the previous work, your direction will be very clear and at this point we’ll have a robust product or service that you can confidently share with the world.
  • At this stage you’ll be all set for success and we’ll define your next steps and actions for the coming months, so you can keep moving forward and shine!

Some methods and techniques you will learn include (but aren’t limited to): design thinking, futures design, trend forecasting and agile methodologies.


The total investment is 775€ per month.

who am i?

Hi! I'm Mireia

I’m passionate about helping soul-led entrepreneurs to Find their Flow in their business.

Because Finding My Flow in life and business changed everything for me!

Before I really knew myself, understood my strengths and weaknesses, I was stuck. The same conflicts, repeating, feeling frustrated and not quite happy with life.

What I didn’t know then, was that understanding my strengths, my unique way of thinking and working, was essential to turning it all around.

Helping business owners align their business with their strengths and stand out in a crowded industry through innovative products and services is my passion.

I have over 10 years experience in corporate helping tech giants and institutions launch innovative products and services.

Plus, I combine this with a strong belief in helping business owners get clarity on their strengths, align their business so they can Find their Flow.

I love combining eye opening tools like Natal Charts, Coaching techniques, as well as Design Thinking and Agile Methodologies as a way to align internal dynamics with external actions.